All Episodes
Displaying 1 - 27 of 27 in total
Lesson 15: Modern Translations
A survey of the popular modern English translations. A look at the difference between translations and paraphrases. An explanation of translation approaches.
Lesson 14: The Vulgar Bible and the Big Picture, Part 2
An overview of the history of the English Bible from the time of the Protestant Reformation until the present.
Lesson 14: The Vulgar Bible and the Big Picture, Part 1
In this multi-part lesson, we look at the history of the Bible’s transmission through 3 periods of church history: the post-apostolic era, pre-reformation period, and ...
Lesson 13: Septuagint, Apocrypha, Pseudepigrapha, and Other Big Words – Part 2
A look at a number of non-canonical writings.
Lesson 13: Septuagint, Apocrypha, Pseudepigrapha, and Other Big Words – Part 1
A look at a number of non-canonical writings.
Lesson 12: The Closed Canon, Part 2
Is the canon of Scripture closed or should we consider adding books to Scripture? Is revelation continuing today?
Lesson 12: The Closed Canon, Part 1
A look at the “disputed” books in our canon.
Lesson 11: Defining and Defending the Canon – Part 4
What do all canonical books have in common? We look at the marks of all canonical books and answer some common objections raised by skeptics.
Lesson 11: Defining and Defending the Canon – Part 3
The early church recognized a canon. The post-apostolic church recognized a canon. What do canonical books have in common? A look at five qualities of canonical books.
Lesson 11: Defining and Defending the Canon – Part 2
A definition for “canon” as applied to Scripture. A look at the theological, ecclesiastical, and political concerns that confronted the early church and raised the nee...
Lesson 11: Defining and Defending the Canon – Part 1
A definition for “canon” as applied to Scripture. A look at the theological, ecclesiastical, and political concerns that confronted the early church and raised the nee...
Lesson 10: Qumran Caves and the Old Testament, Part 2
Answering five common objections raised by skeptics. We use what we have learned in our study so far. We analyze the presuppositions and assumptions behind the objecti...
Lesson 10: Qumran Caves and the Old Testament, Part 1
Answering five common objections raised by skeptics. We use what we have learned in our study so far. We analyze the presuppositions and assumptions behind the objecti...
Lesson 9: Typos and Types, Part 2
A survey of the types of mistakes commonly made in copying documents, and how they can be identified in the text.
Lesson 9: Typos and Types, Part 1
A survey of the types of mistakes commonly made in copying documents, and how they can be identified in the text.
Lesson 8: Chocolate Chip Cookies and the Bible
A fun exercise in examining “textual variants.”
Lesson 7: The Writing of Many Books (Selected Scriptures)
A look at the evidence in the New Testament that demonstrates that New Testament books were viewed and treated as Scripture. They were copied, collected, and widely di...
Lesson 6: The Bible’s Beginnings, Part 2
A look at the form of early writings. A brief introduction to three major Bible manuscripts.
Lesson 6: The Bible’s Beginnings, Part 1
A look at early writing technologies and the forms of ancient manuscripts.
Lesson 5: One Bible, Two Covenants
A look at how our modern Bibles are arranged and why they take the form they do.
Lesson 4: The Doctrine of the Preservation of Scripture, Part 2
An examination of the biblical, logical, and theological necessity of the preservation of Scripture. An examination of presuppositions and how to answer objections to ...
Lesson 4: The Doctrine of Inerrancy, Part 1 (Psalm 19:7-14; 119:89-96)
A look at the biblical, historical, and logical necessity of the doctrine of inerrancy and infallibility.
Lesson 3: The Bible On Inspiration, Part 2
A look at the internal and external evidences that Scripture possesses the character and qualities that we would expect in a book divinely inspired.
Lesson 3: The Bible on Inspiration, Part 1
A look at the Bible’s claims to divine inspiration.
Lesson 2: Inspiration – Verbal and Plenary, Part 2
Continuing our study from last week, we look at three unbiblical views of inspiration and provide examples.
Lesson 2: Inspiration – Verbal and Plenary, Part 1
We begin the series God Wrote A Book with Biblical Inspiration defined and explained.
Lesson 1: Introduction to God Wrote A Book
The beginning of a teaching series on how we got the Bible. Some of the topics we’ll be discussing in the coming weeks are Inspiration, Inerrancy, Preservation, the Bi...